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Writer's picture: yellukyelluk

Updated: Dec 1, 2024

THANK YOU ALL for your contributions to the work and worship of God in our parish. We are indeed grateful for your gifts, services, donations, prayers and acts of kindness. Supporting our Parish, please can you donate directly to SS Luke & Teresa Wincanton - SC 521003, A/C 66287359 (NatWest). God bless.     



On a bright Sunday in October a group of us gathered together after 11am Mass for the first Parish lunch.  St Luke’s in Wincanton covers many towns and villages in Somerset, Dorset and Wiltshire and Marie-Helene Robinson had suggested the idea to Fr Francis MSP, our Parish Priest, as a way for Parishioners to get together socially.  The hall in our adjacent primary school proved an ideal venue and the team were able to use the school catering facilities.

Marie-Helene and her team of helpers produced an excellent meal of beef casserole with potatoes and veg followed by a variety of crumbles with custard and/or ice cream and tea/coffee to round off the meal.  We brought our own drinks although with many of us driving the most popular one was tap water!  Before we could tuck in Fr Francis said grace and the conversation dipped as the lovely food was consumed.

In good Catholic tradition, we held a raffle for the Lukan Fund our Parish charity for maintaining our church and helping local families in difficulty.  We raised some money for the Church and I won a jigsaw puzzle which will keep me occupied for a few hours over winter.

Around 60 parishioners went to the meal and everyone agreed the lunch was a huge success and we hope that it will become an annual Parish event. (By John FitzGerald)

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION – Classes for this year started on Sunday, 24th November after Mass.  Preparation takes place once a month with First Communion being made in June 2025. If your child is in year 3 or 4 or older and wants to prepare for this important sacrament, please fill in the form at the back of church and hand it to Fr. Francis, Jacklyn Case or Kate O’Gara. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us (01963 824 898, 01963370081). 


PRIMARY CHAPLAINCY COMMISSIONINGThe pupils of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Primary School were commissioned as Chaplains by Fr Francis in a Church Service. They were given special chaplaincy badges and certificates. The pupils led in scripture readings and prayers. The Headteacher and Staff of the School attended the Service. They will support the newly commissioned Chaplains in their ministries in the school. The Chaplains will help organise prayers, and encourage others to follow the Catholic life and mission in their school.

Our new Pastoral Area named after Blessed Richard Whiting: Bishop Declan’s Pastoral letter of September 2/3rd informed the parishes that the existing 13 deaneries would be replaced by 9 deaneries, or pastoral areas, named after a saint of the Diocese and led by a dean of each particular area. The parishes in our pastoral deanery are:

English Martyrs – Chard, Our Lady Queen of the Apostles – Cheddar, Our Lady St Mary of Glastonbury – Glastonbury, St Michael’s – Shepton Mallet, St Dunstan’s – Somerton, St Joseph and St Teresa – Wells, St Luke and St Teresa – Wincanton The Holy Ghost – Yeovil.

PARISH PRAYERS:  Pray for our Parish family, our parish Priest, and for more Servers, Organist and Volunteers to join our parish service teams. Holy Spirit teach us to be open to the Father’s will and give us courage to say yes to the call to service in our parish.

BLOOD PRESSURE AWARENESS PROJECT – ACCURE HEALTH CONSULTANCY LTD: Understanding Blood pressure as a risk factor: High Blood Pressure is a major risk factor for Cardiac disease and strokes. Risk of developing high blood pressure increases after the age of 40. Early detection and management of high blood pressure reduces the risk of cardiovascular events. Fr Francis is a trained voluntary Community Champion that can assist anyone in the community who may wish to know about his/her blood pressure and be supported with free Healthy Live-style Advice. Please get in touch, we are happy to help.


Communities - Tea, Coffee morning and Mass: there is need to bring together our Catholic members, encourage support, and strengthen Catholic presence in the communities of Mere, Bruton and Castle Cary as well as promote active participation in parish life. All related arrangements to be discussed with the Parish Priest and relevant Committees. Action: Communities’ Coordinators and members – to meet, discuss & report. COMMUNITIES CONTACTS: If you are in any of the communities, kindly note the following Contacts Persons that you can chat with and find out more: 1. Castle Cary: Dr Nick Niven Jenkins, email:; Dawn Martin: email 2. Bruton: Ed Tickner, email: 3. Mere: John FitzGerald email: Mere Community Coffee Morning - Hill brush, 2nd Wednesday of the month at 10.30am. Bible Sharing Group: Monday after morning Mass in the parish room. Zoom Prayer Group: Monday at 5.30pm, to join, Church Cleaning – Wincanton: Friday 10.00 – Thank you for helping. CHURCH REPOSITORY: please visit for religious items, cards, etc.

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